Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Making Plans...

So I'll probably be able to see Greg one of these weekends I visit NJ. However, I'm hopefully going to have the news wait until Thanksgiving when John is with me.

I baked some cookies, mowed the lawn, did dishes and laundry and did a quick errand to walmart. I'm feeling MUCH better today, definitely got glutened.

Tomorrow I may paint some of the living room and bake for Wednesday night. I was planning on going quilting at the church but I don't know if I will be able to, if I'm able to get enough baked early I will.

I feel great today had excellent energy and my appetite has decreased a lot. Scared I'm not pregnant and this isn't real. I'm looking forward to my trip to NJ this weekend to take my mind off of everything.

Countdown to November 9th: 34 days till the Ultrasound

I'm still doing well, no spotting just cramping.

Please keep me sane and accept that this baby is real. Please allow the time to pass quickly till we are reassured that Cookie is doing well.


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